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Agarwood Malaysia > Agarwood Tour


Illegal logging of Agarwood has been a problem to this industry for many years and has also led to deforestation. Because of its immense value and rarity, indiscriminate cutting of trees and overharvesting in hope of finding the treasured resin has led to the depletion of wild agarwood trees. Indeed, this unscrupulous action not is threatening the environment and the biodiversity societies which make up the wealth of our beautiful planet earth, guaranteeing our existence and that of future generations.

All species of Aquilaria have been placed on the Appendix 2 list of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) since 2004. Having that said, for many years, Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn. Bhd. have been aggressively promoting cultivated agarwood plantation and its sustainable approach to the public through education online and offline. Furthermore, through our continuous education, our goal is not only to educate the public about the importance of creating a better environment but at the same time to encourage more people to venture into the agarwood planting industry.

Only through continuous workshops only we able to educate the public about Agarwood.

Agarwood is an industry that many have heard about but don’t really know how and why Agarwood industry? By doing this education and awareness campaign, we hope that the public will understand how the importance of wild agarwood in the ecosystem and to support only cultivated agarwood products.

Let's hear what they have to say after the workshop.

This is one of the Agarwood site visits and workshops we conducted early in 2020. this site visit has taught the many ins and outs of the agarwood industry and why this industry is a lucrative industry on how to access this niche industry.

Learn from the industry expert with years of experience in the Agarwood industry.

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